Site Event/Activity record ENT4407 - Archaeological geophysical survey of land adjacent to Hempshill Hall, Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire.


Grid reference SK 51700 44000 (point)
Map sheet SK54SW
District Broxtowe
Civil Parish Nuthall, Broxtowe



Northamptonshire Archaeology


Not recorded.

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Northamptonshire Archaeology was commissioned to conduct geophysical survey in advance of a proposed development on land adjacent to hempshill Hall, Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire. The study consisted of a detailed magnetometer survey of approximately 6ha of land covering 3 fields (areas 1, 2 and 3) A desk based assessment took place prior to the survey, this concluded that the area was of little archaeological potential. 30m wide grid squares were measured and tied into Ordnance Survey National Grid. The processed data has been presented in greyscale and an interpretive overlay has been produced. Area 1 – Several parallel linear anomalies aligned north east to south west could represent medieval cultivation. Other features were revealed however they are unlikely to be of archaeological origin. One feature appears to be a underground service, and the other an area of dumped modern hardcore. Area 2 – A linear anomaly of potential archaeological significance was identified, the report suggests that this be a bank or stone causeway. Other ferrous anomalies were identified though these are thought to be modern pipelines. Area 3 – The data contains 2 possible archaeological anomalies. “A positive linear anomaly, aligned from north to south and located in the west side of the area, may indicate the presence of a ditch”,” A series of parallel positive linear anomalies, representing ridge and furrow, cross the southern part of the area on a north to south alignment . The survey has detected only a few archaeological remains, comprising a short length of ditch and a pit in Area 3, a possible bank or causeway in Area 2, and ridge and furrow in Areas 1 and 3. Some of these may be related to the medieval village of Hempshill, but the location of the village itself remains elusive.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Northamptonshire Archaeology. Archaeological geophysical survey of land adjacent to Hempshill Hall, Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Linear anomalies and potential stone causeway. (Element)

Record last edited

Nov 28 2018 1:38PM

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