Site Event/Activity record ENT4806 - Borehole Survey at Gate Burton
Location | Gate Burton, Marton, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 82693 80782 (4371m by 2200m) (15 map features) |
Map sheet | SK88SW |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Cottam, Bassetlaw |
Wessex Archæology
Not recorded.
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The aims of the geoarchaeological deposit modelling were principally focused on mapping the presence and extent of superficial geological deposits across the Site, identifying those layers of highest geoarchaeological potential.
A total of 15 cable percussion boreholes were drilled during geotechnical investigations across the site. The logs produced during the GI works were reviewed as the work progressed, with a provision allowed for on-site monitoring of interventions where required. No on-site monitoring was considered necessary on the basis of this review.
A programme of geoarchaeological deposit modelling was undertaken, integrating the GI logs and nearby BGS archive boreholes, resulting in a total of 32 data points for the deposit model. The results of the deposit modelling indicate that the number and distribution of data points is sufficient to permit modelling of the major stratigraphic units across the site with a reasonable degree of certainty.
The sequence of deposits recorded across the Site comprises Mercia Mudstone bedrock overlain by sands and gravels of the Holme Pierrepont Sand and Gravel Member, with Holocene floodplain alluvium of the River Trent recorded towards the centre of the site. At three locations within the floodplain of the River Trent, a layer of peat is recorded overlying the Holme Pierrepont Sand and Gravel.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5485 Unpublished document: Liz Chambers and Richard Payne. 2023. Gate Burton Grid Connection Corridor Geoarchaeological Deposit Modelling.
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Record last edited
Dec 20 2023 1:27PM