Site Event/Activity record ENT4887 - Test Pitting at Toton Manor Farm Recreation Farm
Location | Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, Toton, Attenborough, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 50105 34313 (397m by 292m) |
Map sheet | SK53SW |
District | Broxtowe |
Civil Parish | Beeston and Stapleford, Broxtowe |
Trent and Peak Archaeological Trust
Not recorded.
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An integrated survey at the site of Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground in Nottinghamshire. The area of interest is now taken up by Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground, a public space managed by Broxtowe Borough Council and incorporated into Toton Fields, a conservation area managed by Broxtowe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. Neither the Manor House nor either of the mills survive as standing remains, but recent investigations have shed light onto the potential of the underground heritage.
5, 1x1m, test pits were excavated in the north-west corner of the study area, in the area historically dominated by ridge and furrow activity. They were designed as a random sampling strategy in order to establish the stratigraphy of the area and identify previously unknown, subsurface archaeological features.
No archaeological features were identified during the excavation. The pits consistently presented a similar stratigraphic sequence consisting of dark brown clayey silty loams to a depth of 300-400mm, with underlying natural deposits of river clays.
All material culture recovered from the test pits can be attributed to the post-medieval or modern periods. Finds consisted of CBM, pot, tile, slag, iron, charcoal, glass and clay pipe. Several pieces of yellow glazed ware may date from the 17th century. 5 small flint flakes, initially considered prehistoric, appear to be natural and unworked.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5564 Unpublished document: R. Humphreys. 2014. Toton Unearthed, Toton, Nottinghamshire: Report on Test Pits.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- MNT28112 Post-Medieval - Modern Finds from Toton Manor Farm Recreation Ground (Element)
Record last edited
Feb 26 2025 4:43PM