Site Event/Activity record ENT5039 - Borehole Survey at Lindhurst Farm, Mansfield


Location Lindhurst Farm, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 456e+ 3581e (579m by 551m)
Map sheet SK43NE
District Mansfield
Civil Parish Mansfield, Mansfield



Archaeological Services University of Durham


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The proposed development site is located on the southern edge of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire. A north‐west/south‐east transect of 10 boreholes at intervals of between 1‐4m was undertaken to investigate the potential palaeochannel. The potential palaeochannel is located towards the north end of a field in the bottom of a shallow stream valley on the line of the culverted Foulevil Brook. The occurrence of laminated sands and well‐rounded pebbles in the boreholes reflects the former presence of a channel. Dark brown humified silt in some of the boreholes suggests damp conditions within the valley bottom, however the absence of true peat deposits comprising palaeoenvironmental remains indicates that anaerobic conditions provided by permanently standing water were absent. As pollen, plant macrofossils and insects were not preserved, the sediments have no potential for reconstructing palaeoenvironmental conditions at the site. The occasional occurrence of coal, CBM and charcoal probably derives from slopewash or material used in the construction of the culvert. Deposits of palaeoenvironmental potential were not encountered in the boreholes. Considering their location on the valley slope and orientation parallel to the contours, it is possible that these linear features may represent the remains of lynchets rather than former channels.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: S. Markus & A. Lane. 2015. Land at Lindhurst Farm, Near Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Excavation Report.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Jul 15 2024 11:57AM

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