Site Event/Activity record ENT5092 - Test Pitting at Hamilton Hil, Sutton in Ashfield


Location Hamilton Hill, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 52046 58938 (59m by 10m) (3 map features)
Map sheet SK55NW
District Ashfield
Civil Parish Sutton in Ashfield, Ashfield



Nottinghamshire County Council


Not recorded.


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5 m
5 m

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Hamilton Hill is a prominent landscape feature in the District of Ashfield and the parish of Sutton in Ashfield. The three 1m test pits were excavated. The three 1m test pits were dug in 10 cm spits until a change of soil conditions. The surface of each interface or clear change in soil conditions was cleaned and photographed. The excavations proceeded through the bed-rock until digging conditions were made difficult by the hardness or compaction of the material. Two of the test pits, dug in areas not suffering from obvious signs of soil movement, encountered reddish bedrock, which increased in hardness and compaction with depth. In the third pit, the bedrock was fine soft yellow sandstone easily dug to a depth of 400mm, and with signs of root and animal activity throughout. It is possible that there is a bed of this soft yellow sandstone underlying much of Hamilton Hill, and that the ground slumping is occurring in those areas where the material is close to the current ground surface. It is suggested that the land slip is a product of a process that began 60-100 years ago with the removal of the tree cover, leading to increased soil erosion and more animal burrowing. Feasibly, the increased rate of soil movement apparent to the site owners is also a by-product of spells of prolonged precipitation enjoyed by the East Midlands region over recent years and attributed to climate change.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Ursilla Spence. 2015. Test Pitting at Hamilton Hill.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Mound on Hamilton Hill, Sutton in Ashfield (Monument)

Record last edited

Aug 1 2024 9:53AM

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