Monument record M372 - Vernemetum, Willoughby on the Wolds


TOWN? (Roman)


Grid reference SK 64799 24899 (point)
Map sheet SK62SW
District Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Willoughby on the Wolds, Rushcliffe
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Since Stukeley (1) recorded what he thought was the site of Margidunum, and Horsley (2) demonstrated that Vernemetum would be the better name, there has been general agreement that the Ro settlement had stood on, or close to, the Fosse Way cross-road E of Willoughby on the Wolds. This position accords excellently with the 2 relevant mentions in the Antonine Itinerary ("Vernemetum" considered best form (3)) and, even without Stukeley enough Ro finds have been made there to make the identification virtually certain. Precise site and and configuration not confirmed. (5)
There is no reason to dispute the identification of the settlement at Broughton Lodge as that of the Vernemetum of the Antonine Itinerary. Within the area excavated by MJD, occupation appears to have been restricted to C4, although there may have been a lesser presence from C2. Earlier Ro brooches found in E Med graves were probably finds made in that period, and may imply an earlier nucleus of occupation beyond the excavated area. The significance of the juxtaposition of the Ro settlement and Anglo-Saxon cemetery is striking. (6)
The linear, road-centred distribution of finds from fieldwalking suggests that, within the survey area (S of scheduled area), the settlement took the form of "ribbon development". (7)
See M370 - Cross Hill mound, M371 - E Med cemetery, M6000 - Fosse Way.

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

OS Card, Parish File

<1> Stukeley W, 1724, Itinerarium Curiosum (1st edn), pp 100-1 (Published document). SNT1331.

<2> Horsley J, 1732, Brit Rom, p 437 (Published document). SNT787.

<3> Soc of Ants of London, 1949, Archaeologia, p 49 (Published document). SNT97.

<4> Nottm Univ, 1948 ?, Willoughby on the Wolds 1947 - Excavation notes (Monograph). SNT967.

<5> GSL, 1971, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT734.

<6> Kinsley AG, 1993, Broughton Lodge, pp 23-4 (Monograph). SNT1468.

<7> TPAT, Apr 1999, Fieldwalking at Broughton Lodge, Willoughby on the Wolds, Notts, 1998, p 2 (Unpublished document). SNT2282.

Sources/Archives (8)

  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • <1> Published document: Stukeley W. 1724. Itinerarium Curiosum (1st edn). pp 100-1.
  • <2> Published document: Horsley J. 1732. Brit Rom. p 437.
  • <3> Published document: Soc of Ants of London. 1949. Archaeologia. 93. p 49.
  • <4> Monograph: Nottm Univ. 1948 ?. Willoughby on the Wolds 1947 - Excavation notes.
  • <5> Personal comment: GSL. 1971. Pers Comm.
  • <6> Monograph: Kinsley AG. 1993. Broughton Lodge. University of Nottingham. pp 23-4.
  • <7> Unpublished document: TPAT. Apr 1999. Fieldwalking at Broughton Lodge, Willoughby on the Wolds, Notts, 1998. p 2.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (7)

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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