Monument record M778 - Adbolton Church, Holme Pierrepont


CHURCH (Medieval to Georgian)


Grid reference SK 59949 38360 (point)
Map sheet SK53NE
District Rushcliffe
Locality Adbolton
Civil Parish Holme Pierrepont, Rushcliffe


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The Domesday Survey records a church at Adbolton. (1)
Many coins, including a James II (1693) and an Elizabeth I (1598), were found during removal of church tower foundations in 1834. A pear tree marks the site, now level. Gravestones used as paving in adjoining farmstead. (2)
Adbolton (All Hallows) - vanished church of which the site is known. (3)
Green glazed sherds and pieces of tooled masonry, probably from church demolished c.1741 (Part of finds in E Fitzpatrick's garden, Holme Road). (4)
The probable church site was indicated by the farmer at above grid ref, where stands a very old pear tree. Here, years ago, occasional services were held by the local incumbent. (5)
All Saints, Adbolton … was pulled down in 1746. The church plate and other articles were brought [to St. Edmunds]. (6)
Ashlar block, possibly deriving from a substantial building such as the church. (7)
See L7978 for P Med finds, M777 for deserted village.

<1> VCH, 1906, Notts, p 272 (Published document). SNT1383.

<2> Briscoe JP, 1884, Old Notts, p 76 (Published document). SNT521.

<3> Thoroton Society, 1942, TTS, p 72 (Published document). SNT359.

<4> EMAB eds, 1959, East Midlands Archaeological Bulletin, p 14 (Published document). SNT153.

<5> Seaman BH, 1975, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1253.

<6> Thoroton Society, 1903, TTS, p 64 (Published document). SNT330.

<7> TPAU, 2006, Archaeological Field Investigation at Adbolton, Nottinghamshire, p 8 (Unpublished document). SNT2393.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • <1> Published document: VCH. 1906. Notts. 1. p 272.
  • <2> Published document: Briscoe JP. 1884. Old Notts. p 76.
  • <3> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1942. TTS. 46. p 72.
  • <4> Published document: EMAB eds. 1959. East Midlands Archaeological Bulletin. 2. p 14.
  • <5> Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1975. Pers Comm.
  • <6> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1903. TTS. 7. p 64.
  • <7> Unpublished document: TPAU. 2006. Archaeological Field Investigation at Adbolton, Nottinghamshire. p 8.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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