Building record M1867 - Lowdham Mill, Lowdham


CORN MILL (Post Medieval to Second World War); WATERMILL (Post Medieval to Second World War)


Grid reference Centred SK 66627 47326 (33m by 17m)
Map sheet SK64NE
District Newark
Civil Parish Lowdham, Newark
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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Corn mill. (1) (2)
A mill at Lowdham in the possession of Archbishop Thomas mentioned in DB. (3)
A mill at Lowdham is associated with a mill which gained considerable notoriety in the C18/C19 for the ill treatment of London children apprenticed there. (4)
The mill is now a private residence, the waterwheel remaining in situ and working. No other machinery remains. Local opinion is that this is not the mill of ill repute but Cliff Mill is the one refered to. (5)
Flour mill. The present building believed to be on the site of one mentioned in DB. The mill was working until c.1940 when it was bought by Mr Cracknell and converted into a dwelling house, retaining the old mill wheel which is still turned by the mill (stream?). The buildings are in excellent repair. Mill dam still intact but no internal machinery remains. Mrs Cracknell has some newspaper cuttings and letter. The land belonged to Sir Francis Ley (1968). (6)
The largest corn mill on the Dover Beck. The wheel is still in situ and in working order. (7)
Very attractive mill of 3 storeys and attic in pantile roof of brick building, with 2 storey buildings on either side. (8) (9)
"The Lordes Mill" shown. (10)
Watermill shown. (11)
See M1833 for Cliff Mill, Lowdham

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

(8), Ind Arch File

Listed buildings slides, 6 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

<1> Sanderson G, 1835, 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in (Map). SNT48.

<2> OS, 1914, 1:2500, County Series 1914 (Map). SNT1023.

Other Refs: 39/2

<3> VCH, 1906, Notts, p 256 (Published document). SNT1383.

<4> Firth JB, 1916, Highways and Byways of Notts, pp 168- (Published document). SNT689.

<5> Seaman BH, 1960, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1243.

<6> CBA, Industrial Survey, IA2 49/3 (Published document). SNT184.

<7> Smith DM, 1965, The Industrial Archaeology of the East Midlands, p 256 (Published document). SNT1304.

<8> Reedman K, 1977, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1180.

<9> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 167 (Monograph). SNT4.

<10> Mastoris SN & Groves SM, 1997, Sherwood Forest in 1609 (Map). SNT906.

Other Refs: map 11

<11> Chapman J, 1774, Nottinghamshire - approx 1in (Map). SNT550.

Sources/Archives (13)

  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 6 slides.
  • <1> Map: Sanderson G. 1835. 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in.
  • <2> Map: OS. 1914. 1:2500, County Series 1914.
  • <3> Published document: VCH. 1906. Notts. 1. p 256.
  • <4> Published document: Firth JB. 1916. Highways and Byways of Notts. pp 168-.
  • <5> Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1960. Pers Comm.
  • <6> Published document: CBA. Industrial Survey. IA2 49/3 .
  • <7> Published document: Smith DM. 1965. The Industrial Archaeology of the East Midlands. p 256 .
  • <8> Personal comment: Reedman K. 1977. Pers Comm.
  • <9> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 167 .
  • <10> Map: Mastoris SN & Groves SM. 1997. Sherwood Forest in 1609.
  • <11> Map: Chapman J. 1774. Nottinghamshire - approx 1in.

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Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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