Monument record M2550 - Kirkby Old Hall, (York Lodge)
Grid reference | SK 46710 55389 (point) |
Map sheet | SK45NE |
District | Ashfield |
Civil Parish | Kirkby in Ashfield, Ashfield |
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
An ancient building known as Kirkby Old Hall ... The present building is early C17, but has traces of a much earlier date, and was at one time known as Sacheverall Hall. William Sacheverall married Agnes, daughter of Richard de Kirkby, early in C15. Hall passed to Sir Richard Coke of Trusley, who had married Mary Sacheverall in 1574. (1)
Called Pinxton Hall, owned by the Coke family since time of Edward III. (2)
Kirkby Old Hall is now divided into 3 tenements. It has been scheduled but as the tenancies are vacated it will probably be left to become a ruin as part is already derelict. (3)
Detailed description. (4)
The Hall was rebuilt as a timber-framed house on 3 sides of a small courtyard in the Elizabethan period. The walls were largely cased in brick and the windows renewed in stone in the C17. Inside, the walls were panelled in dark oak. A fine oak Jacobean chimneypiece was later removed to Brookhill Hall, Pinxton, Derbys. The Coke family retained possession of Kirkby Old Hall until C20. RCHME recorded the house in 1964, by which time it had lain abandoned and derelict for some time. The Hall was demolished soon afterwards. (6)
Data Held (Document). SNT2647.
OS card, Parish file
<1> Thoroton Society, 1939, TTS, p 74 (Published document). SNT356.
<2> Throsby J, 1790, Thoroton's History of Notts Vol 2, p 298 (Published document). SNT1346.
<3> Hardy Miss, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT743.
<4> Woodhouse WC, 1959, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1437.
<5> OS, 1917, 1:2500, County Series 1917 (Map). SNT1026.
Other Refs: 27/14
<6> Jones PE, 2006, Lost Houses of Nottinghamshire, p 35 (Monograph). SNT1893.
Sources/Archives (7)
- --- SNT2647 Document: Data Held.
- <1> SNT356 Published document: Thoroton Society. 1939. TTS. 43. p 74.
- <2> SNT1346 Published document: Throsby J. 1790. Thoroton's History of Notts Vol 2. p 298.
- <3> SNT743 Personal comment: Hardy Miss. Pers Comm.
- <4> SNT1437 Personal comment: Woodhouse WC. 1959. Pers Comm.
- <5> SNT1026 Map: OS. 1917. 1:2500, County Series 1917.
- <6> SNT1893 Monograph: Jones PE. 2006. Lost Houses of Nottinghamshire. p 35.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM