Monument record M2769 - Mound to W of Moorfields Farm, Oxton




Grid reference SK 62139 53399 (point)
Map sheet SK65SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Oxton, Newark


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

In a direct line W (of L 2771) are 2 more (tumuli) about a half mile asunder; that in the centre is 728ft in circumference. (1)
Bateman quotes Rooke, but gives wrong position. (3)
A mound, 250ft in diameter, 18ft high, at the back of Moorfield. Excavated by Pryce in 1909 and thought to be natural. This was confirmed by a geologist, who described it as drift gravel, probably glacial in origin. (4)
Tumulus c 20ft high and c 75yds diameter in fields, 300yds to W of farmhouse. Field at present under barley. Signs in the crop of there having been a surrounding ditch. Was unable to pace it out as it was under thick crop. Magnetic W of tumulus on the hill W of Oxton camp. (5)
A typical local geological feature. (6)
An oval mound c 100m long in a ploughed field. No evidence of a surrounding ditch and it rather has the look of a pillow mound ie natural ...? (7)
See also L 2771 - ? barrow N of Oldox, M 5490 - barrow excavated by Rooke.
NB Scheduling map does not fit either this feature or M 5490. HBMC form describes this as a "long barrow".

<1> Rooke H, 1789, Archaeologia, p 201 (Published document). SNT1209.

<2> Rooke H, 1799, A Sketch of the Ancient and Present State of Sherwood Forest, Mansfield, p 27 (Published document). SNT1211.

<3> British Archaeological Assoc, 1853, JBAA, p 188 (Published document). SNT190.

<4> Thoroton Society, 1909, TTS, pp 160-3 (Published document). SNT336.

<5> DOE, AM7 - undated, no author (Unpublished document). SNT52.

<6> Seaman BH, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1252.

<7> Samuels JR, 1987, AM107 (Unpublished document). SNT1232.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • <1> Published document: Rooke H. 1789. Archaeologia. 9. p 201.
  • <2> Published document: Rooke H. 1799. A Sketch of the Ancient and Present State of Sherwood Forest, Mansfield. p 27 .
  • <3> Published document: British Archaeological Assoc. 1853. JBAA. 8. p 188.
  • <4> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1909. TTS. 13. pp 160-3.
  • <5> Unpublished document: DOE. AM7 - undated, no author.
  • <6> Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1974. Pers Comm.
  • <7> Unpublished document: Samuels JR. 1987. AM107.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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