Building record M4006 - Midworth Street Maltings, Mansfield
Grid reference | Centred SK 53991 60963 (75m by 35m) |
Map sheet | SK56SW |
District | Mansfield |
Civil Parish | Mansfield, Mansfield |
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Type and Period (1)
Full Description
c.1625? At present in good condition externally - no information internally. Length c.250ft (some measurements were submitted some years ago) (23/01/1969). (1)
Malthouse, stone, slate roof, 2 storeys, length 250ft. 4 gables on NW side (Gilcroft Row). 2 Kilns with hipped slate roofs at either end of Gilcroft Row. In good repair, some ventilators blocked. Used as a warehouse. Internally, stone growing floor supported by thin iron columns. The upper floor was for storage. As the malting was in use until recent times a number of modern features survive, e.g. grain elevators. Probably belonged to Mr William Brodhurst. (2)
An C18 or early C19 maltings. Long, plain stone range to the street, gables and louvred turrets away from it. (3)
Maltings date in part from the 18th century. They are stone-built with two floors with additional bays and kilns to the rear, now converted to a restaurant complex. (4)
c.1800. (5)
Data Held: Ground Photograph (Ground photograph). SNT2646.
17 BW print, inc T2-8, 3 colour print, SMR
Listed buildings slides, 15 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.
31/03/76, Mallthouse, Midworth Street (Plan). SNT3627.
May 77, Mallthouse, Midworth Street (Plan). SNT3626.
May 77, Malthouse, Midworth Street (Plan). SNT3614.
<1> CBA, Industrial Survey (Published document). SNT184.
Other Refs: IA4 50/5
<2> Patrick A, 1977, Maltings in Nottinghamshire (Published document). SNT1130.
<3> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 172 (Monograph). SNT4.
<4> Palmer M & Neaverson P, 1992, Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands, p.100 (Monograph). SNT5.
<5> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT626.
Sources/Archives (10)
- --- SNT2646 Ground photograph: Data Held: Ground Photograph.
- --- SNT2648 Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 15 slides.
- --- SNT3614 Plan: May 77. Malthouse, Midworth Street. 1.
- --- SNT3626 Plan: May 77. Mallthouse, Midworth Street. 1.
- --- SNT3627 Plan: 31/03/76. Mallthouse, Midworth Street. 1.
- <1> SNT184 Published document: CBA. Industrial Survey.
- <2> SNT1130 Published document: Patrick A. 1977. Maltings in Nottinghamshire.
- <3> SNT4 Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 172.
- <4> SNT5 Monograph: Palmer M & Neaverson P. 1992. Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands. Phillimore & Co Ltd. p.100.
- <5> SNT626 Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
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Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM