Building record M4392 - Sewage pumping station, Worksop


SEWAGE PUMPING STATION (Victorian to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 59711 79024 (22m by 15m)
Map sheet SK57NE
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Worksop, Bassetlaw
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Sewage pumping station near canal to E of town. Brick engine house built for beam engine pump, now removed. Single storey boiler house adjacent and very fine free standing chimney, square red brick shaft on ashlar pedestal. Cast iron window frames to engine house decorated with rosettes. All in Italianate style. (2)
1881. Empty but as yet intact. Fine tall square chimney on an ashlar pedestal. A good example with simple Lombard Romanesque details all in brick, and inside a gallery on cast-iron columns and a spiral stair. (3)
Now redundant and derelict but contains the remains of beam engine entablatures and vertical electric pumps. (4)
The [original] site contained a brick engine house, boiler shed, offices and a house for the attendant; these cost a total of £7,000 to construct, whilst the engines, boilers and pumps for the system cost £4,500. The current structure…[is] at least half its original size. Single Phase site dated to the late C19. [Current site] consists of the site’s original primary pumping station buildings (including chimneystack) and its adjacent storage reservoirs/ponds. Constructed from red brick with cream brick decorative arches and sits atop a coursed ashlar stone plinth that forms the ground level. Modern hipped slate roof. The only significant industrial engineering features still remaining within the first floor…were the remains of the post WWII electric pump heads and central shafts. These engines replaces the…original pair of rotary condensing beam engines, [there is an] extensive rectangular cast iron framework. This framework would have originally provided a supporting structure and mounting brace for the original beam engines. The central supporting beam …sprang off decorative corbels…and contained a length of decorative cast iron metalwork spanning the central part of the room. Surviving are the remains of the former pump house structure, a 30m high chimney stack and a set of two water storage ponds. Earlier maps show that the building was once a T-shape, with a wing projecting from the current structure’s eastern elevation. Recording of the eastern elevation has also confirmed this, with the line of the former roof crease being recorded.(5)

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

(2), Ind Arch File

Data Held: Ground Photograph (Ground photograph). SNT2646.

1 BW print, M5A, SMR

Listed buildings slides, 11 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

Unknown, C19, Worksop Local Board sewage pump (Plan). SNT4239.

<1> OS, 1920, 1:2500, County Series 1920 (Map). SNT1029.

Other Refs: 13/3

<2> Reedman K, 1977, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1180.

<3> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 390 (Monograph). SNT4.

<4> Palmer M & Neaverson P, 1992, Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands, p 49 (Monograph). SNT5.

<5> CMGS Consulting, 2007, Bracebridge Pumping Station, Worksop, Notts: Historic Building Recording Report (Unpublished document). SNT5002.

Sources/Archives (9)

  • --- Ground photograph: Data Held: Ground Photograph.
  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 11 slides.
  • --- Plan: Unknown. C19. Worksop Local Board sewage pump. Larger than A3. scaled and inked.
  • <1> Map: OS. 1920. 1:2500, County Series 1920.
  • <2> Personal comment: Reedman K. 1977. Pers Comm.
  • <3> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 390.
  • <4> Monograph: Palmer M & Neaverson P. 1992. Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands. Phillimore & Co Ltd. p 49.
  • <5> Unpublished document: CMGS Consulting. 2007. Bracebridge Pumping Station, Worksop, Notts: Historic Building Recording Report.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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