Building record M4761 - Oldcotes Mill, Styrrup with Oldcotes


FLOUR MILL (Georgian to First World War); WATERMILL (Georgian to First World War)


Grid reference Centred SK 59472 88386 (18m by 16m)
Map sheet SK58NE
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Styrrup with Oldcotes, Bassetlaw
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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Watermill, to E of village in isolated location. Building of stone with pantile roof now completely derelict. Seemed to contain mill, stables and probably living accomodation. There was no recognised approach to the mill and it did not look as if it had been used for a good many years. Its water supply would come from the Oldcotes Dyke, a tributary of the Ryton. The mill was in use until the 1914-18 war. Iron wheel 12ft-15ft in diameter in position, machinery seemed intact. 2 sets of stones were in position but not connected to the machinery. There were more sets of stones in an adjacent room. (06/08/1963). (1)
16ft x 6ft enclosed low breast iron wheel, by John Thornton of Worksop. (3)
Stone, derelict, but with one of its two wheels in situ, with all its machinery driving three pairs of stones. Probably late C19. (4)
Named 'Oldcoats Mill'. (5)
Part of it dates from 1792 but the waterwheel … [is] dated 1875. (6)
This mill was surveyed and recorded in 1979 by NIAS. It had been out of use since 1945 and was then in a very dilapidated state but with machinery intact. The main 3 storey part of the mill is in stone and is inscribed "IW April 19 1792". There are other 2 storey buildings for stabling and storage. The waterwheel remaining is 15ft daimeter by 5ft 10in wide in cast iron with 8 arms and dated 1875 by Thornton, Worksop. Three sets of stones, 4ft 3in diameter by WJ and T Child Hull and Leeds. The pit wheel is 9ft 1in diameter, the great spur wheel 7ft 8.5in diameter and the wallower 3ft 6in diameter. (7)

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

(3), Ind Arch File

Listed buildings slides, (Photograph). SNT2648.

Graham Beaumont, 01/03/99, Oldcotes Mill (Plan). SNT3192.

External Architect, 04/11/98, The Old Mill, Oldcotes (Plan). SNT3194.

John Severn, 25/06/78, Oldcotes Mill (Plan). SNT3205.

<1> CBA, Industrial Survey (Published document). SNT184.

Other Refs: IA3 59/1

<2> Smith DM, 1965, The Industrial Archaeology of the East Midlands, p 271 (Published document). SNT1304.

<3> Reedman K, 1977, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1180.

<4> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 281 (Monograph). SNT4.

<5> Sanderson G, 1835, 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in (Map). SNT48.

<6> Palmer M & Neaverson P, 1992, Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands, p 44 (Monograph). SNT5.

<7> Morley D, 1997, Corn and Cotton - Waterpower in Notts (draft), p 34 (Unpublished document). SNT1693.

<8> Morley D, 1980, NIAS Journal (Article in serial). SNT1907.

Sources/Archives (13)

  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. .
  • --- Plan: Graham Beaumont. 01/03/99. Oldcotes Mill. A4. 1. Unmeasured sketch.
  • --- Plan: External Architect. 04/11/98. The Old Mill, Oldcotes. A1. 1.
  • --- Plan: John Severn. 25/06/78. Oldcotes Mill. A4. 1. Measured sketch.
  • <1> Published document: CBA. Industrial Survey.
  • <2> Published document: Smith DM. 1965. The Industrial Archaeology of the East Midlands. p 271.
  • <3> Personal comment: Reedman K. 1977. Pers Comm.
  • <4> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 281.
  • <5> Map: Sanderson G. 1835. 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in.
  • <6> Monograph: Palmer M & Neaverson P. 1992. Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands. Phillimore & Co Ltd. p 44.
  • <7> Unpublished document: Morley D. 1997. Corn and Cotton - Waterpower in Notts (draft). p 34.
  • <8> Article in serial: Morley D. 1980. NIAS Journal. Oldcotes Mill near Worksop. 6.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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