Building record M8289 - Felley Priory House


HOUSE (Post Medieval to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 48326 51284 (28m by 59m)
Map sheet SK45SE
District Ashfield
Civil Parish Felley, Ashfield


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The house is extremely pretty with its long rambling front, stone below and brick for the several gables. The gables must be C17. (1)
The house has itself as a whole been rebuilt since the dissolution of the Priory, and the cloisters ... have vanished. (2)
Detailed site description. Centre portion of house is mainly C15/C16. (3)
Named 'Felley Priory'. (4)
The stone ground floor may contain medieval fabric but has a four-centred door that looks C16. The gables, chimneystack and r. hand bay look C17. The other gables must be relatively modern. The main chimney breast [has] a four-centred arch cut out of a foliated cross-slab with Anglo-Norman inscription. C17 balusters and newel-post knobs reused in the modern staircase. (5)
Removal of 20th century floors for repairs and renovations in 2012. Limited depth of internal groundwork to only 300mm-400mm. Stone foundations partially exposed below existing walls, none of the exposed remains could be conclusively dated to the Medieval period. (6)
See M2418 for priory, M2419 for fishponds, M8882 for barn, M8883 for C17 building.

Data Held (Document). SNT2647.

OS card, Parish File

Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Listed buildings slides, 32 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

Graham Beaumont, 1993, Felley Priory (Plan). SNT3689.

<1> Pevsner N, 1951, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, p 69 (Monograph). SNT49.

<2> Thoroton Society, 1912, TTS, pp 6-11 (Published document). SNT338.

<3> Woodhouse WC, 1959, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1437.

<4> Sanderson G, 1835, 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in (Map). SNT48.

<5> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 126 (Monograph). SNT4.

<6> TPAT, 2012, Felley Priory, Nottinghamshire: a report on an archaeological watching brief 2012 (Unpublished document). SNT4625.

Sources/Archives (10)

  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Document: Data Held.
  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 32 slides.
  • --- Plan: Graham Beaumont. 1993. Felley Priory. A3 and A4. 1. Measured sketch.
  • <1> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1951. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire. p 69.
  • <2> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1912. TTS. 16. pp 6-11.
  • <3> Personal comment: Woodhouse WC. 1959. Pers Comm.
  • <4> Map: Sanderson G. 1835. 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in.
  • <5> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 126.
  • <6> Unpublished document: TPAT. 2012. Felley Priory, Nottinghamshire: a report on an archaeological watching brief 2012.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (4)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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