Monument record M8315 - SETTLEMENT AT AVERHAM




Grid reference Centred SK 76264 55461 (438m by 253m)
Map sheet SK75NE
District Newark
Civil Parish Averham, Newark


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Cropmarks 0.5 mile N of Averham. Mass of small enclosures, linear features. ALG 12 and 11 are best. Difficult to sort out sensibly. Location also difficult, but marks fairly widespread in field, pylons too in neighbouring fields. Shadows show photos taken from SSE. (1)
Linear features meeting at right angles, possibly an enclosure ? One small enclosure to N. (2) (3)
Building material found here 1950 (at rectangular cropmark). Rept in NWM. (4)
Field partly ploughed but nothing of interest found. 1950 report was not found in the museum and info on the finds is not noted elsewhere. (5)
Morph: 187.13.1 settlement, 187.17.1 enclosure, 187.17.2 enclosure. (6)
See L9742 for finds, and L8316 for nearby settlement.

Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.


<1> CUCAP, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT594.

Other Refs: ALG 9-12, DW 57,58

<2> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.

Other Refs: 9/15,19, 243/23A, 1178/18 (NMR SK 7655/1,3,22,39)

<3> Riley DN, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1194.

Other Refs: 428/36 (NMR SK 7655/16)

<4> Smith A, 1953, OS Corr 6in (Personal comment). SNT1302.

<5> Seaman BH, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1252.

<6> RCHME, National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data (Unknown). SNT1470.

Sources/Archives (13)

  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • --- Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
  • <1> Aerial photograph: CUCAP. Air photos.
  • <2> Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
  • <3> Aerial photograph: Riley DN. Air photos.
  • <4> Personal comment: Smith A. 1953. OS Corr 6in.
  • <5> Personal comment: Seaman BH. 1974. Pers Comm.
  • <6> Unknown: RCHME. National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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