Building record M9370 - YEW TREE FARM HOUSE


FARMHOUSE (Stuart to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 69033 69344 (14m by 19m)
Map sheet SK66NE
District Newark
Civil Parish Kirton, Newark
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Farmhouse. C17 and C19. Timber framed with brick nogging, rendered C20. (1)
Dendrochronological analysis was undertaken of 19 samples taken from the roof and first floor of this building. Four of the samples retained complete sapwood, three of which had a last ring date of AD1688. Inspection of the heartwood/sapwood boundary on the other timbers … also suggested a felling date of 1688. The only exception is sample KRT-A14 which also contained complete sapwood and had a last ring date of AD1674. (2)
The building is a fine example of a largely un-altered lobby entrance house dating to the early 17th century. There is limited evidence that the house underwent some degree of updating in the early 19th century. The house retains an extensive range of service rooms in the northernmost bay and rear range including a sunken dairy and pantry. There is, unfortunately a lack of primary sources relating to the early history of the building, the large village centre plot and extensive outbuildings seen on early maps indicates that the house was in all likelihood a pre-enclosure village farm. The building recording confirmed the early 17th century construction date. The building recording also recorded a number of ambiguities, most notably the bay posts and missing cross walls which hints at a more complex history. It is likely that the extensive 19th and 20th century decor and finishes, including the external render conceal further evidence of the building’s history. (3)

Listed buildings slides, 34 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

Graham Beaumont, 10/02/83, Yew Tree Farm House, Main Street (Plan). SNT3447.

Archaeological Building Recording Services, 2019, Yew Tree Farm, Kirton: Building Survey Report (Unpublished document). SNT5227.

22/01/99, Yew Tree Farm House, Main Street (Plan). SNT3446.

<1> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT228.

<2> Arnold AJ et al, --/06/1999, Tree-ring analysis of timbers from Yew Tree Farmhouse, Main Street, Kirton (Unpublished document). SNT1714.

<3> Archaeological Building Recording Services, 2019, Yew Tree Farm, Kirton: Building Survey Report (Unpublished document). SNT5227.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 34 slides.
  • --- Plan: 22/01/99. Yew Tree Farm House, Main Street. 1.
  • --- Plan: Graham Beaumont. 10/02/83. Yew Tree Farm House, Main Street. A4 & A3. 1.
  • --- Unpublished document: Archaeological Building Recording Services. 2019. Yew Tree Farm, Kirton: Building Survey Report.
  • <1> Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Arnold AJ et al. --/06/1999. Tree-ring analysis of timbers from Yew Tree Farmhouse, Main Street, Kirton.
  • <3> Unpublished document: Archaeological Building Recording Services. 2019. Yew Tree Farm, Kirton: Building Survey Report.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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