Building record M10473 - CHURCH SITE FARMHOUSE


FARMHOUSE (Medieval to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 60763 25536 (14m by 15m)
Map sheet SK62NW
District Rushcliffe
Civil Parish Thorpe in the Glebe, Rushcliffe
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Churchside Farm … is late C17 with some interesting timber-framed cross-walls exposed on the upper floors. (1)
Farmhouse. Early C17 with early and mid C18 brick patching and C19 alterations. Originally timber framed. Attic with stud partition. (2)
Church Farm. Possibly included part of an earlier medieval manor. [c.]1528-41. (3)
11 timber samples (cores) were taken from Church Site Farm in 1992. Dendrochronological analysis produced a felling date of 1535. (4)
…a multi-phase building. The farmhouse appears to have originally been built as a timber frame building of two bays, and the house itself is divided vertically by a timber stud frame that rises from the ground floor through to the attic space. …off-centre door…leads to an internal cross
Passage... evidence within the fabric of the building suggests that the stairs are not in their original positions. …changes in the brickwork in the north facing gable also suggests that the roof height has been raised in the past that may have resulted in changes to the internal room layouts. The original farmhouse has also been extended on its rear elevation…The remaining half of the rear wall has been built up of substantial stone blocks that may have been taken from the original church, and this wall is now contained within the later single story lean-to extension… (5)

Listed buildings slides, 55 slides (Photograph). SNT2648.

Graham Beaumont, ?, Church Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe, jetton (Plan). SNT4341.

TPA, 2019, Church Site Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe Archaeological Watching Brief- Written Scheme of Investigation (Unpublished document). SNT5247.

4/3/86, Church Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe (Plan). SNT4316.

<1> Pevsner N, 1979, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed., p 380 (Monograph). SNT4.

<2> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT228.

<3> Thoroton Society, 1995, TTS, p 50 (Published document). SNT1525.

<4> Nottingham Tree Ring Dating Laboratory, 1988, Church Site Farm, Thorpe-in-the-Glebe - Dendro Report (Unpublished document). SNT5139.

<5> Trigpoint Conservation and Planning, 2014, Heritage Statement: Church Site Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe (Unpublished document). SNT5812.

Sources/Archives (9)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. 55 slides.
  • --- Plan: 4/3/86. Church Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe. A4. 1. Measured sketch.
  • --- Plan: Graham Beaumont. ?. Church Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe, jetton. A4. 1. scaled but not inked.
  • --- Unpublished document: TPA. 2019. Church Site Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe Archaeological Watching Brief- Written Scheme of Investigation.
  • <1> Monograph: Pevsner N. 1979. The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire 2nd ed.. Penguin. p 380.
  • <2> Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
  • <3> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1995. TTS. 99. p 50.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Nottingham Tree Ring Dating Laboratory. 1988. Church Site Farm, Thorpe-in-the-Glebe - Dendro Report.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Trigpoint Conservation and Planning. 2014. Heritage Statement: Church Site Farm, Thorpe in the Glebe.

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Record last edited

Sep 13 2024 3:14PM

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