
DOVECOTE (Georgian to Late 20th Century)


Grid reference Centred SK 62618 86957 (7m by 10m)
Map sheet SK68NW
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Blyth, Bassetlaw
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

27/087/18 The description of the listing was amended ; Summary: Pigeoncote, built mid-C18, converted to residential annex in 2016

Exterior: Pigeoncote, built mid-C18, converted to residential annex in 2016. Red brick and ashlar on a coursed rubble plinth. Pantile roof, ashlar-coped crow-stepped gables with kneelers, ridge surmounted by single ashlar ball finials at each end. Dentillated eaves, three storeys plus garret. Southwest gable end has a single wooden door to the ground floor (metalwork added 2016). To the left a flight of brick and ashlar-coped steps with a C20 iron hand rail lead to a central doorway on the first floor, having a wooden door under a segmental head, and modern double-leaf glazed doors (installed in 2016). The attic has a semi-circular opening for pigeons, glazed with glazing bars. Below is an ashlar ledge. Timber casements to window openings on northwest and southeast elevations, installed 2016.

Interior: Timber ceiling beams to ground floor, timber stable divider, trough, timber feed racks, timber plank wall, stone and brick floor (re-laid 2016). Timber ceiling beams to fist floor, with timber post supports, modern partitions and doors. Two king post trusses to second floor, and brick bird boxes to southwest wall.

Subsidiary features: Single storey extension added to northeast elevation in 2016

(notes prior to amendment)

Pigeoncote, part converted to [an] office. Mid C18. (1)

Dovecote, ''Greystones'', behind house. Date 1720, rectangular brick structure, part of complex. Double pitched pantile roof. Approximate dimensions 30ft by 14 ft. Currently in use for pigeons. 1000 nestholes of which approximately 137 remain, constructed in brick and brick tile materials. Uppermost of three storeys. (2)

Listing Description:
Summary: Pigeoncote, built mid-C18, converted to residential annex in 2016

Exterior: Pigeoncote, built mid-C18, converted to residential annex in 2016. Red brick and ashlar on a coursed rubble plinth. Pantile roof, ashlar-coped crow-stepped gables with kneelers, ridge surmounted by single ashlar ball finials at each end. Dentillated eaves, three storeys plus garret. Southwest gable end has a single wooden door to the ground floor (metalwork added 2016). To the left a flight of brick and ashlar-coped steps with a C20 iron hand rail lead to a central doorway on the first floor, having a wooden door under a segmental head, and modern double-leaf glazed doors (installed in 2016). The attic has a semi-circular opening for pigeons, glazed with glazing bars. Below is an ashlar ledge. Timber casements to window openings on northwest and southeast elevations, installed 2016.

Listed buildings slides, (Photograph). SNT2648.

<1> DOE, Listed Building Description (Published document). SNT228.

<2> Woolrich AE, 1988, Details of Dovecotes of Notts, p 1 (Unpublished document). SNT1779.

<3> Whitaker J, 1927, Med Dovecotes in Notts, p 109 (Published document). SNT1406.

<4> Severn J, 1986, Dovecotes of Notts (Published document). SNT1255.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • --- Photograph: Listed buildings slides. .
  • <1> Published document: DOE. Listed Building Description.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Woolrich AE. 1988. Details of Dovecotes of Notts. p 1.
  • <3> Published document: Whitaker J. 1927. Med Dovecotes in Notts. p 109.
  • <4> Published document: Severn J. 1986. Dovecotes of Notts.

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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