Element record L2574 - Brass Key, Sherwood Forest, Blidworth
Grid reference | SK 58999 55999 (point) |
Map sheet | SK55NE |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Blidworth, Newark |
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
A brass key, found on Sherwood Forest, in making a new road from Kirby to join that which goes from Mansfield to Nottingham. The singular shape and the green rust make me think it Ro. (1)
(Comparison with (2) indicates a C13-C14 date.)
A brass key found near Newstead Park in making a road from Kirby to join the turnpike road to Nottingham, in the writer's possession. (3)
No further information on the find spot or present wherabouts of this key was gained in field investigation. (5)
Grid ref approx - not drawn on map.
See also L5315,6 - similar keys, but appear to be different items.
<1> Rooke H, 1792, Archaeologia, p 378 (Published document). SNT1210.
<2> London Museum, 1954, Medieval Catalogue, pp 133- (Index). SNT229.
<3> Rooke H, 1799, A Sketch of the Ancient and Present State of Sherwood Forest, Mansfield, p 25, pl 4, fig 3 (Published document). SNT1211.
<4> VCH, 1910, Notts, p 32 (Published document). SNT1384.
<5> Woodhouse WC, 1959, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1437.
Sources/Archives (5)
- <1> SNT1210 Published document: Rooke H. 1792. Archaeologia. 10. p 378.
- <2> SNT229 Index: London Museum. 1954. Medieval Catalogue. pp 133-.
- <3> SNT1211 Published document: Rooke H. 1799. A Sketch of the Ancient and Present State of Sherwood Forest, Mansfield. p 25, pl 4, fig 3.
- <4> SNT1384 Published document: VCH. 1910. Notts. 2. p 32.
- <5> SNT1437 Personal comment: Woodhouse WC. 1959. Pers Comm.
Finds (1)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM