
HOSPITAL (Medieval); CHAPEL (Medieval)


Grid reference SK 71600 53500 (point)
Map sheet SK75SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Southwell, Newark
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Type and Period (2)

Full Description

The Chappelle called marie magdaleyn chappell in Esthorppefelldis in the parisshe of Southwell, by whome or to what intente and purpose ytt was founded no man Answerithe…(1)
…as for the magdalene chapell yt ys sold by the Kynge and pullyd down to the grownde. (2)
A second Chapel stood about half a mile from the former, in a large enclosure contiguous to the road called Crow Lane, leading from Southwell to Eastthorpe Pasture. There are several pieces of land at this day, supposed to occupy its site or vicinity, called Chapel-dale Closes… (3)
Hospital of St Mary Magdalen - earliest reference in 1313. By 1534 it apparently no longer cared for the poor or infirm, simply finding the salary for a master or chaplain. (4)
A chapel stood in a large enclosure contiguous to the road leading from Southwell to a place called Eastthorpe pasture. (5)
Two fields called Chapel Close and another called Chapel Dale Close (above grid ref) can be identified from the Tithe Map. (6)

<1> Thoroton Society, 1911, TTS, p 124 (Published document). SNT1754.

<2> Livett, G.M., 1883, Southwell Minster, p 145 (Published document). SNT1755.

<3> Shilton RP, 1818, History of Southwell, p 124 (Monograph). SNT1758.

<4> VCH, 1906, Notts, pp 175-6 (Published document). SNT1383.

<5> Dickinson W, 1819, The History and Antiquities of the Town of Southwell, p 264 (Monograph). SNT1744.

<6> Stroud G, 1999, Extensive Urban Survey: Southwell (Unpublished document). SNT1760.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1911. TTS. 15. p 124.
  • <2> Published document: Livett, G.M.. 1883. Southwell Minster. John Whittingham. p 145.
  • <3> Monograph: Shilton RP. 1818. History of Southwell. p 124.
  • <4> Published document: VCH. 1906. Notts. 1. pp 175-6.
  • <5> Monograph: Dickinson W. 1819. The History and Antiquities of the Town of Southwell. p 264.
  • <6> Unpublished document: Stroud G. 1999. Extensive Urban Survey: Southwell.

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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