Monument record M18204 - SETTLEMENT AT HOVERINGHAM
Grid reference | Centred SK 69187 46104 (478m by 401m) |
Map sheet | SK64NE |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Hoveringham, Newark |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Polygonal enclosure attached to series of rectangular "enclosures". Possible ring ditch (hut?) within the former. Very regular lines, running in general NW-SE alignment; as do relic field boundaries to N and S - part of a larger system ? EX0028 indicates possibly 4 circular features of house size. Trig point 59 in field. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Morph 30.2.1, 30.2.2 and 30.2.3 in Group: Unknown Prehistoric Settlement; 30.3.1: Unknown Prehistoric Stock Enclosure and 30.4.1: Unknown Prehistoric Enclosure. Also 30.1.6 and 30.1.12: Unknown Prehistoric Enclosure (part of Group: Roman Field System - see also L1771 and L 8187). (5)
See L1771 for cross refs to cropmarks in this area.
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
16 BW print, JAP 11/11A, 40/42, 6945/4, 6946/24; CUCAP ADM 8, BYL 25,26, EX27 - 29, P12, JE 15, 16, VK35 - 37
<1> CUCAP, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT594.
Other Refs: AFO 61, 12P, EX 0027-9, JE 15,16
<2> CUCAP, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT594.
Other Refs: VK 35-7, ADM 8
<3> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 241/28,29, 9599/1082, 325/24,25 (NLAP SK 6946/23,24,26-8)
<4> Pickering J, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1148.
Other Refs: 13770/24,25,6/12, 40/35,42, 13640/11A (NLAP SK 6846/5, 6945/4, 6946/8,13,15,17)
<5> RCHME, National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data (Unknown). SNT1470.
Sources/Archives (6)
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- <1> SNT594 Aerial photograph: CUCAP. Air photos.
- <2> SNT594 Aerial photograph: CUCAP. Air photos.
- <3> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <4> SNT1148 Aerial photograph: Pickering J. Air photos.
- <5> SNT1470 Unknown: RCHME. National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM