Monument record M18355 - Romano-British settlement and field system at Calverton




Grid reference SK 58700 49499 (point)
Map sheet SK54NE
District Gedling
Civil Parish Calverton, Gedling


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Field systems. Linear features, which were either proven as, or highly likely to be ditches, which aligned with the (cropmark) field system. Pottery gives a range of dates from prehistoric to conquest period to RB. All these artefacts came from the uppermost fills of the ditches. No artefacts were found in the initial, primary fills of the ditches. Another set of field boundaries on a different alignment. Features interpreted as pits and post holes, together with the burnt features in trenches 05, 07 and 08 are suggestive of settlement and other activities. Artefacts recovered from cleaning suggest that at least some of these features were RB in date. A substantial quantity of FCP (fire cracked pebbles) within the fill of ditch 004, often found in a settlement context. In trench 10, the post hole and pit features are relatively densely distributed, some of them were used for primary rubbish disposal this would seem highly indicative of RB domestic or other activities close by. The evaluations demonstrate that the extent of both field systems and features suggestive of settlement activity extends across the flattish plateau and into the hollows, ie beyond that previously recorded on the SMR. The weathering cone on the ditch in trench 01, the survival of the tops of post holes in trench 03 and the presence of a subsoil layer all suggest that areas of the site are relatively well preserved for a cropmark site. The Ramsdale field systems appear to contrast with those of the brickwork plan where the settlement / activity denoted by scatters of pits and post holes appears to be rare within the field systems away from the enclosure clusters. It would not be surprising if the Ramsdale field systems were related to this hillside settlement. (1)
See M2051 for hillside settlement (Dorket Head)

<1> TPAT, Jan 1999, Archaeological Field Evaluation of a Proposed Quarry at Oxton Road, Near Burntstump, Ramsdale, Arnold, Nottinghamshire, pp 22 - 27 (Unpublished document). SNT2275.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: TPAT. Jan 1999. Archaeological Field Evaluation of a Proposed Quarry at Oxton Road, Near Burntstump, Ramsdale, Arnold, Nottinghamshire. pp 22 - 27.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (8)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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