Monument record M18388 - Ro settlement at Site B, Sturton le Steeple




Grid reference SK 81600 84300 (point)
Map sheet SK88SW
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Sturton le Steeple, Bassetlaw


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Numerous RB features were present on the gravel terrace, including seven ditches, two gullies, a possible stone corn drier or oven, three pits including an example that was clay lined and a row of apparent stone post pads for at least one structure. Pottery sherds were abundant and largely comprised material of C2 - C4 date. Further finds included quernstone and slag tentatively suggesting some limited cereal processing (supported by samples from 0034) and metalworking. Of interest was a glass armlet, possibly from SW Scotland. Together these remains suggest the existence of a multiphased Romano-British ditched enclosure complex, containing signs of domestic activity in an agricultural setting, with an abundant and varied range of artefacts. Geophysical survey indicates the site extends for at least 100m N-S, along the ridge of the gravel terrace, although it's extent westwards was unclear, while to the E it was bounded by the palaeochannel. … Each site situated on the edge of the gravel terrace possessed waterlogged deposits containing dumped Romano-British material running into the palaeochannel / floodplain. (1)
See M18387, M18389 for nearby Ro settlements, M5033 for town of Segelocum.

<1> TPAU, 2004, Archaeological Evaluation at Sturton Le Steeple, Nottinghamshire, pp 16, 60 (Unpublished document). SNT2396.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: TPAU. 2004. Archaeological Evaluation at Sturton Le Steeple, Nottinghamshire. pp 16, 60.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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