Element record MNT26889 - Finds from watching brief at St Peter's Church, Mansfield


Finds recovered from a watching brief carried out on the construction of a car park in the former churchyard of St Peter's Church, Mansfield in 2003. All finds were unstratified and dispersed in the topsoil.


Grid reference SK 54117 60977 (point)
Map sheet SK56SW
District Mansfield
Civil Parish Mansfield, Mansfield


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

All finds were unstratified and dispersed in the topsoil. About ten disarticulated human bones, of small size or fragmentary, were recovered. A small number of animal bones were found. 20th or 19th century artefacts comprised: a metal inkwell cover from school desk, 6 pieces of pottery including an inkwell, an ink bottle, a small jar, a jar lid and two sherds, two pieces of glass and a glass marble. The human bones were handed over for reburial by the Church and the artefacts were passed to the Parochial Church Council. (1)

<1> Sumpter, T, 2003, St Peter's Church, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SNT4641.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Sumpter, T. 2003. St Peter's Church, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Watching Brief.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Dec 21 2016 10:03AM

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