Building record MNT26921 - Windrome Cottage


Cottage identified on 1st Ed OS and appears to be on Sanderson Map of 1835. 1 and 1/2 Storeys and 4 bays with a steeply pitched plaintile roof, single chimney stack and 1 central dormer.


Grid reference Centred SK 82932 56474 (17m by 13m)
Map sheet SK85NW
District Newark
Civil Parish Langford, Newark


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

One-storey cottage with attic probably in the C17, as a three-unit, lobby entry cottage incorporating a barn single single chimney stack and 1 central dormer. Probably originally constructed of stone with timber-framed internal partitions, and has since been rebuilt in brick, rendered and painted white. The steep pitch of the roof indicates an original covering of thatch which has been replaced with red, ceramic tiles. The third unit, which contained the service rooms and barn, has been subdivided and floored over in the late C20. The front door and all the windows are late C20 replacements.

Studded internal wall, constructed of timber poles, reed and plaster at ground floor level survives to the ground floor as do bridging beams in rooms either side of the entrance lobby. In the roof, the tie beams, studded internal partitions, and a purlin in the former barn are all exposed. Further timbers may survive under the boarding and plaster encasing. The chamfered lintel and fire hood both survive although the hearth now has a modern fireplace. In the former service room on the south side there are some original joists and a boxed-in beam.

Lobby entry plan points to c.17th Century construction date. Appears on Chapman's Map of 1774 and on the 1885 OS map shows a line dividing the third unit on the western end of the cottage from the rest of the building, indicating that it possibly had an agricultural, rather than a domestic, use either originally or in the C19. The footprint of both the outbuilding and the cottage remains the same on the subsequent OS maps of 1900 and 1919.

The building has been derelict since approximately March 2010.

Unpublished and undated information about Windrome Cottage, including photographs and plan, produced for a university project, available from Local Planning Authority.

Sanderson G, 1835, 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in (Map). SNT48.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • ---XY Map: Sanderson G. 1835. 20 miles around Mansfield - 2 in. [Mapped feature: #28038 Windrome Cottage, ]

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Feb 12 2018 11:57AM

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