Element record MNT27189 - Post-medieval pottery and finds from King Kohn's Palace


Post-medieval pottery sherds found at King John's Palace during excavation by Time Team/Wessex


Grid reference SK 60344 64752 (point)
Map sheet SK66SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Clipstone, Newark


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Some sherds of post-medieval pottery were found in trenches 1-6, but not in easily dateable contexts. The pottery was 17th-18th century and may be indicative of further episodes of stone-robbing, or may simply be due to the area having been ploughed and manured. What the archaeological results suggest is that the main periodof robbing of the masonry walls did not occur, as it is so often quoted, during the Duke of Portland's construction of a water meadow system in the early 19th century, but that it had mostly occurred earlier, in the 16th to 17th centuries.
Fragments of lead window came. Some of the fragments appear to be milled rather than cast, which would place them no earlier than the mid 16th century. Mainly from topsoil and from demolition debris. (1)

<1> Wessex Archæology, 2011, King John's Palace, Clipstone, Nottinghamshire. Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results. (Unpublished document). SNT5098.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Wessex Archæology. 2011. King John's Palace, Clipstone, Nottinghamshire. Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Results..

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Jun 25 2019 9:34AM

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