Building record MNT27333 - The Hole in the Wall Public House
Grid reference | Centred SK 46752 50630 (35m by 40m) |
Map sheet | SK45SE |
District | Ashfield |
Civil Parish | Selston, Ashfield |
Images (0)
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Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Hole in the Wall Public House built around 16th century. Now part of the Brewers Fayre restaurant and hotel group. (1)
Building marked as the Hole in the Wall (PH) on 1900 OS map. Has been completely rendered. Windows are UPVC. Modern extention on the front of the building. Most of the building is covered by a slate roof covering, however a small part of it has pantile, which looks original. On the opposite end of the building to the pantile is unrendered stone. The shambling nature to the building and the mixture of building materials could stem from the fact that in the 1879 OS the site shows several buildings which were probably brought together to form one building. Much evidence would be required to prove that the building dates from the 16th century as there is no physical evidence other than the position of the chimneys which could indicate that the roof was once thatched. (NCC notes on 1)
Locally Listed by Ashfield District Council (ADC Ref: 792) (1).
<1> Ashfield District Council, Ashfield Local List (Document). SNT4755.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SNT4755 Document: Ashfield District Council. Ashfield Local List.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (0)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM