Element record MNT27663 - Mound and other features on Strawberry Hill
Grid reference | Centred SK 58098 60307 (199m by 201m) |
Map sheet | SK56SE |
District | Mansfield |
Civil Parish | Mansfield, Mansfield |
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
Strawberry Hill has been a significant feature in the landscape since at least Medieval times and it appears, under different names, on numerous historic maps as well as Medieval perambulation documents. It sits on the historic boundary between the land of the abbots of Rufford and the land of the King’s manor of Mansfield. It has strong associations with Ratcher Hill, a short distance to the west, and the name ‘Elmsley’ that appears on many of the 20th century maps.
It seems likely that the top of the hill has been modified to enhance its visibility and significance in the landscape. It is not known when this may have happened and the top of the hill has seen modern disturbance.
The main path leading up to the hill from the south is a hollow way, though the geology is so soft that it is possible that this path is not very old. The circular route around the hill only appears on the County Series mapping onwards.
There are traces of possible charcoal hearths on the hill. (1)
<1> NCC Archaeology Team, 2021, Archaeological Groundtruthing of Lidar Survey - Strawberry Hill Wood (Unpublished document). SNT5272.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SNT5272 Unpublished document: NCC Archaeology Team. 2021. Archaeological Groundtruthing of Lidar Survey - Strawberry Hill Wood.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Sep 27 2021 2:41PM