Element record MNT28029 - Curvilinear Gully at Kirton Quarry, Kirton
Grid reference | SK 69430 68762 (point) |
Map sheet | SK66NE |
Images (0)
Documents (0)
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
A short curvilinear gully was recorded south of the linear ditch. Three sections were excavated across this feature. Its western terminus showed a moderate sloping edge and a flat base. It was filled with compact dark reddish-brown silty sand. One cut provided a full profile across the gully and displayed steep sloping edges with a flat base. It was filled with mid orangey red, firm clay, 0.5m thick, which, in turn, was covered by a fill, a friable black silty sand with occasional flecks of charcoal, 0.08m thick. This was sealed by another fill, a mid-reddish brown, compact clayey silt, 0.14m thick.
Another cut recorded the southern terminus; it had steep sloping edge and a flat base, filled with compact, dark reddish silty sand. It was filled with mid orangey red, firm clay, 0.5m thick which in turn was covered by a fill, a friable black silty sand with occasional flecks of charcoal, 0.08m thick. This was sealed by a fill, mid reddish brown, compact clayey silt, 0.14m thick. A cut recorded the southern
terminus; it had steep sloping edge and a flat base, filled with compact, dark reddish silty sand.
The putative ring gully, towards the north-western corner of the excavation area, adds evidence of possible prehistoric occupation.
5 fragments of Ceramic Building Material from the late 19th-20th century were discovered.
Heat-cracked stones and fired clay were also discovered.
R.D.Savage, 2021, Harvey's Field, Potwell Dyke Flood Alleviation Scheme, Southwell, Newark and Sherwood, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SNT5515.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5515 Unpublished document: R.D.Savage. 2021. Harvey's Field, Potwell Dyke Flood Alleviation Scheme, Southwell, Newark and Sherwood, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report.
Finds (3)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
Record last edited
Jan 26 2024 2:47PM