Element record MNT28141 - Flue at Rufford Abbey, Rufford


Possible base of a flue discovered during a watching brief


Grid reference SK 64324 64834 (point)
Map sheet SK66SW
District Newark
Civil Parish Rufford, Newark
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Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The groundworks associated with the overflow parking lot in the monitored were shallow, as only the turf and a small amount of topsoil were removed. However, just below the turf at the western end of one strip were the remains of a stone structure which possibly represents the remnants of a flue for a furnace. The base of the possible flue comprised very firm, sandy clay which had been affected by heat, giving it a reddish brown colour. This deposit extended 0.18m in width and 1.6m in length and was bounded on either side by limestone fragments which probably formed the walls of the flue.

The limestone deposit on the eastern side of the base of the flue comprised a partial wall and spread of rubble with stones varying in size from 0.1m to 0.38m in length. The dimensions of this deposit measured 1.8m long by 0.7m wide, with the densest concentration of stone abutting the basal deposit of the possible flue.

The limestone deposit on the western side of the flue was similar to the limestone deposit mentioned above and measured 1.3m long by 1.2m wide, with the densest amount of stone abutting the possible flue, forming what may be the remnants of the flue wall.

To the east of the eastern limestone deposit was a dumped layer of loose dark greyish brown sandy
silt and vitrified slag. To the east of western limestone deposit, a loose dark grey sandy silt, containing occasional vitrified material was recorded. The slags from three fills are likely to be late post-medieval.

Slag, modern CBM, and fired clay discovered.

Andrew Failes & Rebecca Dickinson, 2019, Land at Rufford Abbey, Rufford, Near Ollerton, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Observation, Page 9 (Unpublished document). SNT5571.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Andrew Failes & Rebecca Dickinson. 2019. Land at Rufford Abbey, Rufford, Near Ollerton, Nottinghamshire: Report on an Archaeological Observation. Page 9.

Finds (1)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Apr 10 2024 11:44AM

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