Element record L434 - Bronze Age finds from Attenborough gravel pit, 1958 and earlier




Grid reference SK 52500 34500 (point)
Map sheet SK53SW
District Broxtowe
Civil Parish Attenborough, Broxtowe


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Attenborough (approx SK 525 345). The objects have been found in the course of gravel working and no indication exists of associations, nevertheless some suggestion of a riverside habitation site is evident from reports of piles having been seen and from the find of two bracers of what may have been a carvel-built boat of the Ferriby variety or even a skin boat. Other finds - a pygmy cup of Abercromby Type 4; 2 rapiers, one of which has a round heeled butt, and a late BA spearhead of Class IV, found by Mr H Martin and presented to NUM. (1) Rapier and cup held at NUM, accession nos. Att0.357 and Att0.375. One of the bracers may be Att69.121, other rapier may be LGE87.146 and two wooden stakes may be ATT53.4. (6)
From the Trent Gravel Co workings, about ½ mile SE of Attenborough Station. Flat bronze axe. Early BA. (2)
The axehead was acquired by Mr H Martin. The entry in his notebook reads “1958, July, axehead … edge damaged by going through gravel crusher. About ½ mile SE Attenborough Station”. Given by him to NUM. (Description makes this c SK 525 345).
Riveted spearhead. Found in 1949 during the course of work by the Trent Gravel Co at Attenborough. The spearhead was acquired by Mr Martin and is now in NUM. Like the axehead described above, the spearhed may have come from an area which has yielded many BA finds since the end of the war “a site”, Mr Martin noted, “where many piles or staked of blackened wood with one end sharpened were found”. (3)
This sector of the gravel pit has also yielded 3 BA implements, viz a flat axe, a looped (sic) spearhead and a rapier (all at NUM). Wooden stakes and fragments of other wooden objects have also been noted there. (4)
Spearhead (No 11), class V, Ind phases IX-XI, LBA. Length 117mm, max width 39mm. Flat axe (No 13), Aylesford type, In phase IV - Willerby Wold, EBA. Length 173mm, max width 76mm. Rapier (No 14), Group II, Keelogue type, Ind phase VI - Acton Park, MBA. It has a ridged blade and rounded butt. Length 422mm, shoulder width 63mm. (5)
(If the information in TTS 1967 is correct, all 3(or 4) bronzes are from the same area, c SK 525 345).
More specific locations given for some of the objects based on month and year found in A&E Heritage Rescue, 2014. (6)
See L7950 for Neo finds in this area, L562 for further finds.

<1> Soc of Ants of London, 1958, Antiquaries Journal, pp 87-9 (Published document). SNT85.

<2> EMAB eds, 1958, East Midlands Archaeological Bulletin, p 9 (Published document). SNT152.

<3> Thoroton Society, 1962, TTS, pp 9-19 (Published document). SNT376.

<4> Thoroton Society, 1967, TTS, p 31 (Published document). SNT380.

<5> Thoroton Society, 1997, TTS, p 48 (Serial). SNT1481.

Other Refs: Nos 11,13,14

<6> TPAT, 2014, A&E Heritage Rescue: Community Research Project at the Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire, p 30 (Published document). SNT4700.

Sources/Archives (6)

  • <1> Published document: Soc of Ants of London. 1958. Antiquaries Journal. 38. pp 87-9.
  • <2> Published document: EMAB eds. 1958. East Midlands Archaeological Bulletin. 1. p 9.
  • <3> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1962. TTS. 66. pp 9-19.
  • <4> Published document: Thoroton Society. 1967. TTS. 71. p 31.
  • <5> Serial: Thoroton Society. 1997. TTS. 101. p 48.
  • <6> Published document: TPAT. 2014. A&E Heritage Rescue: Community Research Project at the Attenborough Nature Reserve, Nottinghamshire. p 30.

Finds (6)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

Record last edited

Jan 19 2023 7:34PM

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