Element record L4441 - Rectangular enclosures, Elkesley
Grid reference | Centred SK 65564 76015 (1006m by 543m) |
Map sheet | SK67NE |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Elkesley, Bassetlaw |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
2 small adjoining rectangular enclosures. Associated field boundaries. (1) (2)
This area is situated c 30.0m above sea level on 2 gentle open spurs ... The whole is under crop and perambulation was limited, the general ground profile is undulating and the broken height profile of the crop growth indicates disturbance below the surface. (4)
Cropmarks S of Apleyhead Farm of 3 subrectangular enclosures, with a small enclosure cluster at SK 657760, area 0.4Ha. There are no fields in the area, although there area several long boundary lines. (5)
Morph: 87.1.4 & 87.1.5 Unknown Prehistoric Enclosures. 87.1.6 Unknown Prehistoric Trackway (also contains part of 87.1.7 Unknown Prehistoric Field System?). Group: Unknown Prehistoric Settlement (6)
The majority of this site has now been destroyed by the construction of a reservoir. (7)
See L8711 for Ro finds, L4440 - cropmarks to W. See SMR map.
Data Held: Aerial Photograph (Aerial photograph). SNT2645.
6 BW print, Cox CD, 3209/9A, NMR 6575/21/17, DNR 853/5,6,11,12, SMR
<1> Riley DN, 1978, Early Land Allotment, BAR 48 (Published document). SNT1196.
<2> NMR, Air Photos (Aerial photograph). SNT962.
Other Refs: SK 6575/
<3> Riley DN, Air photos (Aerial photograph). SNT1194.
Other Refs: 853/6,11, 1565/8
<4> Colquhoun FD, 1974, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT582.
<5> Riley DN, 1980, Early Landscapes from the Air, pp 38,132 (Published document). SNT1197.
<6> RCHME, National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data (Unknown). SNT1470.
<7> Robinson, C, 2005, Pers Comm (Personal comment). SNT1788.
Sources/Archives (8)
- --- SNT2645 Aerial photograph: Data Held: Aerial Photograph.
- <1> SNT1196 Published document: Riley DN. 1978. Early Land Allotment, BAR 48. An Early System of Land Division ….
- <2> SNT962 Aerial photograph: NMR. Air Photos.
- <3> SNT1194 Aerial photograph: Riley DN. Air photos.
- <4> SNT582 Personal comment: Colquhoun FD. 1974. Pers Comm.
- <5> SNT1197 Published document: Riley DN. 1980. Early Landscapes from the Air. pp 38,132.
- <6> SNT1470 Unknown: RCHME. National Mapping Programme, Notts - Morph Data.
- <7> SNT1788 Personal comment: Robinson, C. 2005. Pers Comm.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (2)
Record last edited
Jan 19 2023 7:34PM