Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT4627 - Archaeological Watching Brief Report: Former Mount Lane School, Mount Lane, Newark
Title | Archaeological Watching Brief Report: Former Mount Lane School, Mount Lane, Newark |
Author/Originator | CGMS |
Date/Year | 2011 |
CGMS conducted an archaeological scheme of mitigation for the demolition of former old school buildings prior to the development of sheltered housing. Seven test pits were excavated within the site in December 2009 and a watching brief carried out in 2011 to monitor the footings for the new building . From the test pits, it was concluded that there was a significant depth of modern made ground and no archaeological features were recorded. Only test pit 5 contained charcoal, oystershell, bone and 19th century pottery. The watching brief showed no archaeological features in the area of demolished buildings or in the new footings.
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- MNT26866 19th century pottery from test pit 5, Mount Lane, Newark (Find Spot)
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Record last edited
Nov 29 2016 11:40AM