Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT4770 - NET Phase 2. Toton Park and Ride, Toton Lane, Nottingham. Geophysical Survey.

Title NET Phase 2. Toton Park and Ride, Toton Lane, Nottingham. Geophysical Survey.
Date/Year 2012


Magnetometer survey on 6 ha of land in connection with the construction of a park and ride facility and tram terminus at Toton Lane, Toton by APS. Very few archaeological features. Two sides of a possible faint enclosure. Also the site of a travelling circus has left large amounts of metallic debris in the west of Area 1.
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Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Enclosure at Toton Lane park and ride (Element)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Geophysics at Toton Lane Park and Ride by APS
  • Regent Street Beeston, Archaeological Monitoring and Recording

Record last edited

Jun 18 2018 11:30AM

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