Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5480 - Watching Brief at Lowdham 1 - Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme Geoarchaeological and Archaeological monitoring of Ground Investigation Works

Title Watching Brief at Lowdham 1 - Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme Geoarchaeological and Archaeological monitoring of Ground Investigation Works
Date/Year 2022


A programme of geoarchaeological and archaeological monitoring of additional Ground Investigation (GI) works and deposit modelling was undertaken in advance of development proposals for a flood alleviation scheme at Lowdham, Nottinghamshire. Monitoring was undertaken on thirteen machine dug trial pits. An updated deposit model for the Site has produced,integrating the results of the geoarchaeological monitoring with existing GI data, historical boreholes and the results of the review of the GI logs, resulting in a total of 74 deposit records for the deposit model. The Sands and surface of the underlying coarse alluvial depicts present in the Site may, dependent on their age have potential for Late Upper Palaeolithic archaeology. The coarse gained alluvium may also contain artefacts, but these are likely to be fluvially reworked.
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Results of geoarchaeological and archaeological monitoring. Report includes table of staged approach to geoarchaeological investigations and location of transects.


Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Geoarchaeological Monitoring near Lowdham
  • Watching Brief near Lowdham

Record last edited

Dec 19 2023 12:39PM

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