Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5532 - Borehole Survey at Lowdham Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme: Geoarchaeological Borehole Survey
Title | Borehole Survey at Lowdham Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme: Geoarchaeological Borehole Survey |
Author/Originator | Richard Payne and Alex Brown |
Date/Year | 2020 |
A programme of geoarchaeological monitoring of Ground Investigation (GI) works and deposit modelling was undertaken as part of the Lowdham Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme.
The deposits recorded across the two Sites comprised Mercian Mudstone Group bedrock overlain by a weathered bedrock that may include a component of periglacial Head. The weathered bedrock is in turn overlain by coarse grained Pleistocene fluvial sands and gravels comparable to the Holme Pierrepoint terrace dating to the c. 24,000- 9,700 BC. The fluvial sands and gravels have little direct geoarchaeological potential but may contain eroded and redeposited Palaeolithic archaeology.
Fluvial sands and gravels are sealed by deposits of fine-grained Holocene alluvium. No peat deposits were recorded, and the alluvium has a low geoarchaeological potential but may still contain or partial obscure archaeological remains. Head deposits mapped by the BGS are likely to include a large colluvial component, and colluvial deposits were recorded mostly at Site 2 sealing the alluvium. No buried soils or stasis horizons were recorded within or underlying the colluvium. The deposits have a low geoarchaeological potential but may contain reworked archaeological remains.
The geoarchaeological potential of the superficial deposits identified during GI monitoring and deposit modelling is low, but there remains an as yet undefined potential for the deposits to contain reworked archaeology. The scope of any further archaeological evaluation will need to be considered when the specific design solution has been finalised, as this may have an impact on the requirement for and extent of any archaeological works.
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Results of a borehole survey. Report includes deposit modelling transects indicating lithology and stratigraphy and GI locations.
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Referenced Events (1)
- ENT4853 Borehole Survey at Lowdham Cocker Beck Flood Alleviation Scheme
Record last edited
Feb 9 2024 1:10PM