Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5624 - Land Adjacent to Oakdene, Ramsdale Hill, Georges Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report.

Title Land Adjacent to Oakdene, Ramsdale Hill, Georges Lane, Calverton, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological Evaluation Report.
Date/Year 2017


Archaeological trenching was undertaken on land adjacent to Oakdene, off Georges Lane, Calverton. The site is being considered for a forthcoming planning application. The site lies on the lower slopes of Cockpit Hill, also known as Ramsdale Hill or Dorket Head. The summit of the hill directly to the north of the site is protected as the scheduled remains of Cockpit Hill Iron Age hillfort. Within the western half of the Site lies the northeast corner of a large, rectangular enclosure dating from the Iron Age – early Roman period, first identified as earthworks and since partially excavated. Early prehistoric flints and tools have also been recovered from this area. Historic mapping records a medieval / post-medieval cockpit just to the north of the site, hence the site name. This area was also part of the parkland associated with Ramsdale Hall with a walled garden lying directly north in the area of the hillfort. A geophysical survey has identified a small number of magnetic anomalies, primarily in the western half of the site. Six of the twelve trenches excavated contained archaeological features. Out of these six trenches, three contained features yielding Iron Age or Roman dated artefacts, roughly corresponding with the earlier excavations in the western half of the site. The central and eastern areas of the site were largely void of archaeological remains.
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Results of an evaluation. Report includes prehistoric and Roman pottery report, post-Roman ceramics report, animal bone report, flint report, and palaeoenvironmental assessment


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Ditch and a posthole near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton (Element)
  • Ditch near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton (Element)
  • Ditch near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton (Element)
  • Linear features near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton (Element)
  • Pits near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Evaluation near Ramsdale Hill, Calverton

Record last edited

Jun 5 2024 3:17PM

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