Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5629 - A46 Newark North Bypass, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Monitoring of Ground Investigations

Title A46 Newark North Bypass, Nottinghamshire: Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Monitoring of Ground Investigations
Date/Year 2022


An archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment carried out from March to July 2021 ahead of the first stage of proposed improvements to the A46 Newark Bypass. Modelling of the site has provided an overview of the depositional sequence, which is primarily dominated by sands and gravels, blanketed by oxidised silt-clay alluvium in the Trent floodplain area. The geoarchaeologial assessment recorded waterlogged organic deposits in seven boreholes. These samples were characterised by a predominantly well humified sequence of silts and clays. In addition, several locations where waterlogged organic deposits were encountered were recorded but remain unsampled. The sediments are preserved in low lying consistently waterlogged conditions, predominantly within palaeochannels identified on the LiDAR imagery. The organic deposits are suitable for radiocarbon dating and have the potential of preserving palaeoenvironmental remains. At this stage, no palaeoenvironmental analysis or radiocarbon dating has been carried out. The monitoring of ground investigations across the proposed route of the A46 Bypass improvement works has demonstrated the survival of waterlogged organic deposits primarily associated with palaeochannels and associated fluvial landforms. Occasional waterlogged organic deposits are preserved away from the A46 carriageway embankment. These deposits are preserved on the low elevation Trent floodplain, adjacent or within Lidar mapped palaeochannels, where consistent waterlogging has provided the necessary preservation conditions.
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Results of a borehole survey. Report includes borehole logs, palaeoenvironmental samples assessments, and troels-smith


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Referenced Events (1)

  • Borehole Survey at A46 Newark North Bypass

Record last edited

Jun 6 2024 10:57AM

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