Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5692 - East Leake Quarry, Rempstone Extension, Nottinghamshire

Title East Leake Quarry, Rempstone Extension, Nottinghamshire
Date/Year 2016


A magnetic survey was undertaken to prospect land at East Leake Quarry, Rempstone Extension, Nottinghamshire for buried structures of archaeological interest. Full coverage of the survey area was achieved with the results indicating two areas of potential archaeological interest. The first is in the north-west, where a set of potential enclosure ditches possibly related to known Romano-British activity nearby to the west. The second area is adjacent to the east edge of the survey, where two possible kiln or hearth structures and surrounding debris were identified. There is no clear sign of ridge and furrow cultivation although it is possible that modern arable processes have significantly reduced the potential for a magnetic mapping of this.
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Results of a geophysical survey. Report includes magnetic data and interpretation


Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Possible enclosure at East Leake Quarry, Rempstone (Element)
  • Possible kilns or hearths at East Leake Quarry, Rempstone (Element)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Geophysical Survey near East Leake Quarry, Rempstone

Record last edited

Jul 10 2024 4:32PM

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