Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5825 - Oldcotes Sewer Pipe: Geoarchaeological Monitoring of Site Investigation (SI) Works

Title Oldcotes Sewer Pipe: Geoarchaeological Monitoring of Site Investigation (SI) Works
Date/Year 2022


Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to monitor Site Investigation (SI) works in support of proposed sewer pipeline works on land at Oldcotes, Nottinghamshire. Five boreholes and two trial pits were excavated and recorded. The results of the SI monitoring demonstrated that the sequence at the Site comprised weathered Permian and Triassic bedrock overlain by Quaternary superficial deposits comprising fine grained sediments, interpreted as an alluvial subsoil, and modern topsoil. No archaeological finds were encountered during the works. The fine-grained sediments at the site are interpreted as Holocene alluvium of the Oldcotes Dyke. It is possible that these sediments also contain material derived from colluvial (slope-wash) processes, incorporating coarser-grained material from deposits up-slope. Nothing of archaeological significance or geoarchaeological potential was encountered during works. The fine-grained sediments are entirely minerogenic, comprised predominately of silts and clays, with no organic-rich or peat deposits recorded. These deposits are therefore considered to be of low geoarchaeological and archaeological potential, and no further geoarchaeological investigations are recommended.
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Results of geoarchaeological monitoring. Report includes borehole sediment logs


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Referenced Events (1)

  • Geoarchaeological Monitoring near Blyth Road, Oldcotes

Record last edited

Oct 14 2024 12:38PM

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