Site Event/Activity record ENT4793 - Archaeological Evaluation near Gibdyke, Misson


Location Land to the Northeast of Gibdyke, Misson, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 69206 95113 (65m by 65m)
Map sheet SK69NE
District Bassetlaw
Civil Parish Misson, Bassetlaw



PCAS Archaeology


Not recorded.


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The site lies on the east side of Gibdyke, close to the junction with Top Street. It comprises of 0.20 hectares of land, which was previously the site of a small business that restored vintage cars. There is a disused dovecot (square, red brick building) that was converted as a workshop and storage on the site that will be demolished as part of the development process. Much of the site is vacant scrub land although there has been some vegetation clearance (surface) associated with the development. The evaluation consisted of three trenches, each measuring 20m x 2m. The evaluation trenches were opened under archaeological supervision using a mechanical excavator fitted with a toothless blade, which removed all topsoil and any subsoils to the first archaeologically significant horizon or the natural substrate whichever was encountered first. Excavation thereafter was carried out by hand, with any archaeological features and deposits being excavated sufficiently to determine their date, character, and survival condition. The archaeological evaluation encountered a low level of archaeological remains, with a trench at the far northern edge of site containing a probable modern waste pit and an animal burial. The other 2 trenches were devoid of archaeological features. The pit seen in the trench was cut from immediately below the topsoil, indicating a relatively recent origin. This can also be said of the animal burial that was seen to the immediate south of it.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: L. Brocklehurst. 2022. Land to the Northeast of Gibdyke, Misson, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire..

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Dec 12 2023 1:43PM

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