Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5473 - Land to the Northeast of Gibdyke, Misson, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire.

Title Land to the Northeast of Gibdyke, Misson, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire.
Date/Year 2022


An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land northeast of Gibdyke, Mission, in advance of residential development. The site lies on the northeast periphery of Mission, land adjacent to Gibdyke Farm, and a 19th century red brick dovecote stands on the site. It is on the edge of the historic core of the medieval village, close to both the Church of St. John the Baptist and a Scheduled moated manor site, but the historic use of this area is uncertain. The archaeological evaluation encountered a low level of archaeological remains, with a trench at the far northern edge of site containing a probable modern waste pit and an animal burial. The other 2 trenches were devoid of archaeological features.
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Results of an evaluation. Report includes photograph of animal burial and trench location plan.


Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Archaeological Evaluation near Gibdyke, Misson

Record last edited

Dec 12 2023 1:43PM

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