Site Event/Activity record ENT5079 - Pressure Monitoring at Farndon Roundabout
Location | Farndon Rouabout, A46 Newark to Widmerpool, Farndon, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 78062 52181 (122m by 362m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | SK75SE |
District | Newark |
Civil Parish | Farndon, Newark |
Highways Agency
Not recorded.
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Two monitoring locations were established.
The pressure pads consisted of two vibrating wire pressure cells, type P6-2.2-MS-5-T (manufactured by Soil Instruments Limited) of 345mm diameter, containing a single active face with a pressure range of 0 to 500 kiloPascals (kPa). The cells were buried approximately 75mm below the ground surface and were installed prior to the laying of the Terram separator layer.
The cables were placed carefully in the trench in a loose snaking manner in order to ensure that no tension was created at the join with the pressure pad.
The results obtained from the monitoring have been unable to clarify the likely impact of construction activity, including the compaction caused by construction of the earthwork on buried topsoil and subsoil deposits and consequently its effect on the artefact bearing soils at Farndon Fields.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5736 Unpublished document: A. Copp & L. Robinson. 2012. A46 Newark to Widmerpool Improvement Phase 2 Detailed Design & Construction: Report on Pressure Monitoring during the Construction of Road Embankmant at Farndon Fields (Embankment 27).
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Record last edited
Jul 26 2024 3:02PM