Site Event/Activity record ENT5145 - Evaluation near Quaker Way, Mansfield
Location | Quaker Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 53621 60962 (98m by 76m) |
Map sheet | SK56SW |
District | Mansfield |
Civil Parish | Mansfield, Mansfield |
Pre-Construct Archaeology
Not recorded.
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The site lies on the western edge of the central area of the town of Mansfield, and is bounded to the east by Quaker Wa, to the south-east by a municipal car park, to the south by Station Road, to the west by Belvedere Street, and to the north by Service Area B of the nearby shopping centre.
The archaeological evaluation in the central and western areas of the site comprised the initial excavation of four trial trenches. This consisted of three, 1.6m x 20m trial trneches and a fourth, 1.6m x 25m. This was followed by the archaeological of three geotechnical test pits. Two additional trial trenches were excavated after, one measuring 1.6m x 15m, the other measuring 1.6m x 20m.
The archaeological trial trenching and test pitting firmly established the archaeological stratigraphical sequence over the central and wester portions of the proposal site. Topographically, the site naturally slopes downwards to the north and east. Howeve,r when the formal parkland was laid out in the late 18th/early 19th centuries, the area of the site appears to have been terraced to faciliate the creation of this feature. The date of this landscaping is evidenced by pottery recovered from a truncated remnant of a buried garden soil horizon associated with this process identified in one trench and one test pit. A further sherd of mid-late 18th/mid 18th century potteyr was recovered from a pre-landscaping deposit bloew the buried soil horizon, similarly a truncted remanant of the original topography.
In the early 20th century, this parkland was superseded by factory buildings, which utilised this terrace. Following the demolition of the factory in 2005, a demolition horizon was spread over the whole site, which was encountered at varying depths in all the trial trenches and one test pit. With the exception of one trench, this demolition horizon overlay the natural underlying reddish brown silty clays and sandstone bedrock.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5800 Unpublished document: N. Hall. 2006. Quaker Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Relict Cemetery Clearance, Archaeological Evaluation & Test Pit Monitoring Report.
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Record last edited
Sep 2 2024 1:16PM