Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5800 - Quaker Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Relict Cemetery Clearance, Archaeological Evaluation & Test Pit Monitoring Report

Title Quaker Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire: Relict Cemetery Clearance, Archaeological Evaluation & Test Pit Monitoring Report
Date/Year 2006


An archaeological programme consisting of trial trenching, test pit monitoring and relict cemetery clearance through a strip, map and record exercise was undertaken on land off Quaker Way, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire to provide an assessment of the archaeological potential of the proposal site, to clear any surviving human remains under a Home Office exhumation license, and to satisfy the requirements of an archaeological condition attached to the granting of outline planning consent for proposed mixed development a the site. The archaeological evaluation established that the central and western portions of the site had been terraced to facilitate the creation of a formal park in the late 18th or early 19th centuries. One trench and one trial pit located a buried garden soil horizon that was a truncated remnant of this parkscape. Pottery evidence from this deposit has been attributed to the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This formal park is shown on early edition O.S. maps. Underlying this buried soil horizon was a truncated remnant of a hillwash deposit, representing the original pre-landscaping topography of the site. A sherd of pottery of mid-late 17th to the mid 18th century was recovered from this deposit. The majority of the archaeological trial trenches encountered a typical sequence of demolition horizons (from the clearance of the former factory complex that occupied the site until 2005) overlying the natural reddish brown sand sillty clays and red sandstone bedrock. The relict cemetery clearance identified six grave cuts, three of which yielded truncated skeletons, while a fourth yielded a complete specimen. The western and nothern boundarry walls of the former Congregationalist burial ground were also observed and recorded. Their respective lines are similarly shown on early edition O.S maps.

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Results of an evaluation and cemetery clearance. Report includes pottery archive report and early edition O.S maps


Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Burials near Quaker Way, Mansfield (Element)

Referenced Events (2)

  • Evaluation near Quaker Way, Mansfield
  • Relict Cemetery Clearing near Quaker Way, Mansfield

Record last edited

Sep 2 2024 2:48PM

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