Site Event/Activity record ENT5168 - Evaluation near Whimpton House, Ragnall
Location | Whimpton House, Darlton Road, Ragnall, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0TA |
Grid reference | Centred SK 79125 74031 (21m by 9m) |
Map sheet | SK77SE |
District | Bassetlaw |
Civil Parish | Ragnall, Bassetlaw |
PCAS Archaeology
Not recorded.
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The site lies on Whimpton Moor, which lies on the A57 1km northwest of Ragnall village. Whimpton House is a Grade II Listed 19th century farmhouse on the north side of the A57. It is part of a complex arranged around a yard with a more modern barn behind.
The proposed new storage building will be situated around 150m to the west of Whimpton House, adjacent to the Whimpton Moor Pumping Station. The site area is given as 144m², the footprint of the planned building measuring 12m x 12m.
The evaluation involved the investigation of two trenches. The trench positions were adjusted on site to avoid a modern pond which lies close to the planned northeast corner of the new storage building. The trenches were initially machine stripped using an excavator fitted with a smooth blade, then manually cleaned and examined for archaeologically significant features and horizons.
A single sherd of abraded pottery was recovered from the topsoil of each trench. Identified on site as medieval in date, these unstratified artefacts were noted but have not been sent to specialist for further assessment.
The evaluation was devoid of any archaeological features and stratified artefacts.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5820 Unpublished document: A. Lane. 2024. New Storage Building, Whimpton House, Darlton Road, Ragnall, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0TA: Archaeological Evaluation Report.
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Record last edited
Sep 30 2024 4:04PM