Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5820 - New Storage Building, Whimpton House, Darlton Road, Ragnall, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0TA: Archaeological Evaluation Report

Title New Storage Building, Whimpton House, Darlton Road, Ragnall, Bassetlaw, Nottinghamshire, DN22 0TA: Archaeological Evaluation Report
Date/Year 2024


An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on land at Whimpton House, Ragnall, where a new storage building is planned. Whimpton House lies on the periphery of Whimpton Deserted Medieval Village, a large complex of earthworks and buried remains primarily on the south side of the modern A57 but with a track leading to a moated enclosure presumed to be a manor house north of the existing farm. The proposed new storage building will lie at the western end of the garden plot associated with Whimpton House, close to an existing pond; there are no earthworks in this area. The evaluation trenches were both devoid of any buried features. This might suggest this area lay outside of the medieval settlement, or that earthwork and buried remains here have been impacted by post-medieval farming or modern alterations of the A57 road layout.
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Results of an evaluation. Results include a LiDAR image showing the Scheduled Monument and the DMV


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Referenced Events (1)

  • Evaluation near Whimpton House, Ragnall

Record last edited

Sep 30 2024 3:51PM

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