Site Event/Activity record ENT5182 - Evaluation at Abbey House, Arnold
Location | Abbey House, Ramsdale Park, Arnold, Nottinghamshire |
Grid reference | Centred SK 59472 48534 (155m by 181m) |
Map sheet | SK54NE |
District | Gedling |
Civil Parish | Arnold, Gedling |
Civil Parish | Calverton, Gedling |
University of Leicester Archaeological Services
Not recorded.
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The proposed development area is located approximately 2km southwest of Calverton and 4km north of Nottingham. The site occupies a hilltop location.
Initially twleve 20m by 1.5m trenches were to be exavated in and around the footprint of the proposed development and the adjacent recreation area with contingency for a further three trenches if required. All trenches were excavated by JCB with ditching bucket down to the top of archaeological deposits. Five trenches were positioned to attempt to identify anomalies identified by geophysical survey. Due to mature woodland and conditions on the ground the locations of some trenches were altered.
The majority of the trenches failed to reveal archaeological deposits and those that were present did not provide any dating evidence. The only concentration of possible archaeological features were located in one trench comprising several linear features and pits or post holes. Unfortunately excavation indicated that these were very shallow and likely to have suffered considerable truncation.
Two trenches located in the south-western area of the development close to where the excavations carried out by Sherwood Archaeological Society had uncovered a number of possible Iron Age and Romano-British ditches along the south western facing slope of the escarpment. It is possible, therefore, that the main concentration of archaeological remains is in this area.
It appears that the area was landscaped at the same time as the house was built anf this may explain the absence of archaeological remains and the poor state of preservation of the few features that were recorded. Archaeological remains may be present in areas of rough ground and woodland where landscaping is unlikely to have been carried out. One trench furthest southeast from the house, nearest the reservoir uncovered evidence of considerable ground disturbance to a depth of approximately 1m below the preset ground level. It is possible, therefore that this part of the development area has been disturbed during the construction of the covered reservoir.
Sources/Archives (1)
- --- SNT5834 Unpublished document: Gerwyn Richards. 2004. An Archaeological Evaluation at Abbey House, Ramsdale Park, Arnold, Calverton Parish, Notts.
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- MNT28495 Linear features and pits at Abbey House, Arnold (Element)
Record last edited
Oct 24 2024 3:48PM