Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SNT5834 - An Archaeological Evaluation at Abbey House, Ramsdale Park, Arnold, Calverton Parish, Notts
Title | An Archaeological Evaluation at Abbey House, Ramsdale Park, Arnold, Calverton Parish, Notts |
Author/Originator | Gerwyn Richards |
Date/Year | 2004 |
An archaeological evaluation was undertaken within the grounds of Abbey House, Ramsdale Park, Arnold, Calverton, Nottinghamshire prior to redevelopment. The area is of known archaeological significance and previous excavations within the development area have recovered evidence ranging from the late Bronze Age through to the Romano-British period.
Twleve trial trenches were machine excavated within the development area and located to investigate both geophysical anomalies identified by a previous survey and the general areas where most ground disturbance would occur during construction and earth moving work.
The trenches produced varying results; the majority were devoid of any archaeological features, only two trenches to the southwest of Abbey House produced potentially archaeological remains in the form of possible linear features, small post holes and a possibly large pit. In another trench, on the southeast boundary of the development area produced evidence of considerable recent ground disturbance in this area. A number of standing earthworks were observed within the development area.
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Results of an evaluation
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MNT28495 Linear features and pits at Abbey House, Arnold (Element)
Referenced Events (1)
- ENT5182 Evaluation at Abbey House, Arnold
Record last edited
Oct 24 2024 3:52PM