Site Event/Activity record ENT5194 - Trial Trenching near Staythorpe Road, Averham


Location Staythorpe Road, Averham, Nottinghamshire
Grid reference Centred SK 75636 54755 (896m by 1063m)
Map sheet SK75SE
District Newark
Civil Parish Averham, Newark



Allen Archaeology Limited


Not recorded.



The proposed development area comprises a c.24.6ha irregular shaped block of agricultural land to the west of the village and bounded by the A617 to the north and Staythorpe Road to the east. The methodology entailed the excavation of sixty-four trenches, sixty measuring 50m x 1.8m and four measuring 25m x 1.8m. The trenches were divided across two fields, with seven trenches in the western field and all remaining trenches in the eastern field. In each trench, topsoil, subsoil and underlying non-archaeological deposits were removed by mechanical excavator using a toothless ditching bucket in spits no greater than 10cm in thickness. The process was repeated until either the first archaeological significant horizon was exposed or geological natural was reached. Of the 64 trenches, 49 were blank, and of those which did encounter archaeology, the majority only had a single feature such as a ditch or a posthole. The features were almost entirely undated, except for a few early modern finds. The features exposed are likely to represent former drainage and boundary features of uncertain, but most likely recent date. One trench was the exception to this which had the highest concentration of features on the site, comprising a series of postholes, four of which appeared to form a line running north-northeast to south-southwest which could have made up some form of wooden structure such as a palisade or fence. The position of the northernmost posthole in the alignment may suggest that the line is turning to the north-northwest and may instead form a circular-shaped structure. None of these features appeared to contain any obvious organic material; all the fills encountered were formed of a light/mid silt or sand and were therefore not sampled. Furthermore, none produced any dating evidence, so the date and function of these features cannot be ascertained. Contingency trenches excavated to the north and south of this trench and did not identify any further activity.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: Jake Minton. 2023. Trial Trenching on Land off Staythorpe Road, Averham, Nottinghamshire.

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

  • Pits and postholes near Staythorpe Road, Averham (Element)

Record last edited

Nov 11 2024 4:13PM

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